Advisory Board and Acknowledgments



We owe an enormous debt to all the rhetoricians and composition specialists whose theory, research, and pedagogy have informed The St. Martin’s Guide to Writing. We would be adding many pages to an already long book if we were to name everyone to whom we are indebted; suffice it to say that we have been eclectic in our borrowing.

We must also acknowledge immeasurable lessons learned from all the writers, professional and student alike, whose work we analyzed and whose writing we used in this and earlier editions.


So many instructors and students have contributed ideas and criticism over the years. The members of the advisory board for the tenth edition, a group of dedicated composition instructors from across the country, have provided us with extensive insights and suggestions on the ninth edition and have given us the benefit of their advice on new readings and other new features for the tenth edition. For their many contributions, we would like to thank Lisa Bickmore, Salt Lake Community College; Mary Brantley, Holmes Community College–Ridgeland; Jo Ann Buck, Guilford Technical Community College; Wallace Cleaves, University of California–Riverside; Leona Fisher, Chaffey College; Gwen Graham, Holmes Junior College–Grenada; Lesa Hildebrand, Triton College; Stephanie Kay, University of California–Riverside; Donna Nelson-Beene, Bowling Green State University; Gail Odette, Baton Rouge Community College; Gray Scott, Texas Woman’s University; and David Taylor, St. Louis Community College.

Many other instructors have also helped us improve the book. For responding to detailed questionnaires about the ninth edition, we thank Yolanda Ainsworth, University of Texas at El Paso; Kara Poe Alexander, Baylor University; Amy Azul, Mt. San Antonio College; Melissa Batai, Triton College; Jacqueline Blackwell, Thomas Nelson Community College; Vanessa M. Cavett, Holmes Community College–Ridgeland Sherry Cisler, Arizona State University; Susan Marie Cruea, Bowling Green State University; James Dail, Riverside Community College; Heath A. Diehl, Bowling Green State University; Leona Fisher, Chaffey College; MacGregor Frank, Guilford Technical Community College; Patricia L. Golder, Victor Valley College; Valerie A. Gray, Harrisburg Area Community College; David R. Hammontree, Jackson Community College; Anne Helms, Alamance Community College; Lesa Hildebrand, Triton College; Richard Hishmeh, Palomar College; Dawn Hubbell-Staeble, Bowling Green State University; Rick Jones, South Suburban College; Lucinda Ligget, Ivy Tech Community College; Gwen W. Macallister, Covenant College; Kate McConnell, Ivy Tech Community College; Sara E. McFarland, Northwestern State University; Linda McHenry, Fort Hays State University; C. Liegh McInnis, Jackson State University; David Michael Merchant, Louisiana Tech University; Caroline Nobile, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania; Jennifer L. Odom, John Tyler Community College; Clayann Gilliam Panetta, Christian Brothers University; Gordon Petry, Bradley University; Kim Salrin, Bradley University; Marguerite Anne Samuels, Cecil College; Graham (Gray) Scott, Texas Woman’s University; Frank Shimerdla, Metropolitan Community College; Wanda Synstelien, Southwest Minnesota State University; Ruthe Thompson, Southwest Minnesota State University; Patrick Tompkins, John Tyler Community College; Susan Waldman, Leeward Community and College; and Carmen Wong, John Tyler Community College.


For helping us select new readings and providing feedback on our revisions, we thank Yolanda Ainsworth, University of Texas at El Paso; John Alberti, Northern Kentucky University; Kara Poe Alexander, Baylor University; James Allen, College of DuPage; Laura Baltuska, South Suburban College; Ka’ran Bechet-Benjamin, Thomas Nelson Community College; Paul Beehler, University of California–Riverside; Tammie Bob, College of DuPage; Kristin Brunnemer, Pierce College; Cagle, University of Nevada–Las Vegas; Gary Cale, Jackson Community College; Stacey Coulter, Holmes Community College; Steven P. Deaton, Holmes Community College–Ridgeland; Darren DeFrain, Wichita State University; Tammy DiBenedetto, Riverside College; Joanne Diddlemeyer, Tidewater Community College; Marilu dos Santos, South Suburban College; Anne Dvorak, Metropolitan Community College–Longview; Christopher Ervin, Western Kentucky University; Janis Flint-Ferguson, Gordon College; MacGregor Frank, Guilford Technical Community College; Linda Gannon, College of Southern Nevada; Valerie Gray, Harrisburg Area Community College; Kathleen Gurnett, University of California–Riverside; Anne Helms, Alamance Community College; Lesa Hildebrand, Triton College; Dawn Hubbell-Staeble, Bowling Green State University; Kim Jameson, Oklahoma City Community College; Peggy Jolly, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Rick Jones, South Suburban College; Nadene Keene, Indiana University–Kokomo; Jessica Kidd, University of Alabama; Lucinda Ligget, Ivy Tech Community College; Carol Marion, Guilford Technical Community College; Linda Matthews, South Suburban College; Kate McConnell, Ivy Tech Community College; Sarah E. McFarland, Northwestern State University; Mary McMullen-Light, Metropolitan Community College–Longview; David Michael Merchant, Louisiana Tech University; Troy Nordman, Butler Community College; Gail Odette, Baton Rouge Community College; Matt Oliver, Old Dominion University; Staci Perryman-Clark, Western Michigan University; Kathryn Raign, University of North Texas; Amanda Rzicznek, Bowling Green State University; Kym Snelling, Metropolitan Community College; Cathy Stablein, College of DuPage; Bonnie Startt, Tidewater Community College; Candace Stewart, Ohio State University; Elissa Weeks Stogner, Loyola University; Deana St. Peter, Guilford Technical Community College; Jamey Trotter, Arapahoe Community College; Janice Vierk, Metropolitan Community College; Melanie Wagner, Lake-Sumter Community College; Gwenna Weshinskey, College of DuPage; Jeana West, Murray State College; Brian Whaley, Utah Valley University; Lynn Wolstadt, South Suburban College; and Hui Wu, University of Texas at Tyler.

For this new edition of the Guide, we also gratefully acknowledge the special contributions of Gray Scott, who made recommendations of reading selections, helped draft some of the reading apparatus, and was generally available as a sounding board and a font of good advice; Natasha Cooper, Syracuse University, who provided expert advice on the revised coverage of research; Christine Garbett, Bowling Green State University, who wrote all comprehension quizzes for the reading selections that appear on the Web site and in the instructor’s manual; Beth Castrodale, who helped find e-Pages selections and wrote the apparatus to accompany them; and Leona Fisher, who revised and updated the instructor’s manual. Finally, we are especially grateful to the student authors for allowing us to use their work in Sticks and Stones and the Guide.

We want to thank many people at Bedford/St. Martin’s, especially Senior Editor Jane Carter, without whom this book would not have been written; Peter Jacoby, who worked miracles keeping all the details straight and keeping us on schedule; Kimberly Hampton, without whom we would have no e-Pages or x-Book; and Amy Saxon, who single-handedly managed the reviewing process, while also editing many of the book’s ancillaries, including Sticks and Stones and the Guide Web site.


Diana George made many valuable contributions to this revision with her careful copyediting, as did Jamie Thaman and Lori Lewis with their meticulous proofreading, and Melanie Belkin, with her indexing of the text. Sue Brown, Shuli Traub, and Jenny Peterson kept the whole process running smoothly.

Thanks also to the immensely talented design team—book designer Jerilyn Bockorick as well as Bedford/St. Martin’s art directors, Lucy Krikorian and Anna Palchik—for making the tenth edition the most beautiful and most functional yet. Our gratitude also goes to Linda Winters and Barbara Hernandez for their hard work clearing permissions, and Martha Friedman and Debbie Needleman for their imaginative photo research and quick work clearing permissions for the e-Pages.

We also want to thank Erica Appel, Director of Development; Karen Henry, Editor in Chief; and Leasa Burton, Senior Executive Editor—all of whom offered valued advice at many critical stages in the process. Thanks as well to Joan Feinberg and Tom Scotty for their adroit leadership of Macmillan Higher Education, Denise Wydra for her skillful guidance of Bedford/St. Martin’s, and Marketing Director Karen Soeltz and Executive Marketing Manager Molly Parke—along with the extraordinarily talented and hardworking sales staff—for their tireless efforts on behalf of the Guide.

Rise dedicates this book to two young women whose writing she very much looks forward to reading: Amalia Serenity Axelrod-Delcampo and Sophie Amistad Axelrod-Delcampo.