Make sure that each pronoun clearly refers to one specific antecedent.
Eliminate vague uses of they, it, or you
pronoun A word that replaces a specific noun (such as it, his, them, yours, myself, or which), points out a specific noun (such as this, these, or that), or refers to an unspecified person or object (such as everybody or each).
antecedent The word or words that a pronoun replaces and to which it refers.
Add a noun, change the pronoun to a noun, or eliminate vague uses of this, that, or which.
Add a missing antecedent, or eliminate a pronoun with no clear antecedent.
Adding an antecedent (specifying your tenants instead of they) and eliminating a pronoun (reducing park some of them to park) simplify and clarify the sentence.
Identify a specific antecedent if a pronoun refers vaguely to a clause or a whole sentence.
Eliminate an ambiguous reference to two possible antecedents.
Eliminate an implied reference.
In this example, adding the singer specifies an antecedent for he.
Note: Sometimes the implied noun may be present in another form, such as a possessive (Mary’s for Mary) or as part of another word (child in childhood).