Capitalize specific names of people, groups, places, streets, events, historical periods, monuments, holidays, days, months, and directions that refer to specific geographic areas.
World War II | the Great Depression | Lincoln Memorial |
Independence Day | Passover | Ramadan |
Monday | January | Colorado College |
the Northeast | Native Americans | Magnolia Avenue |
Capitalize adjectives derived from proper nouns.
Mexican | Dickensian |
common noun The general name of a person, place, or thing.
When a reference is general, use a common noun (uncapitalized) rather than a proper one (capitalized). Do not capitalize general names of institutions, seasons, compass directions, or words that you simply want to emphasize.
summer vacation | last winter | university requirements |
church service | southern exposure | western life |
Note: Common nouns such as street and river are capitalized only when they are part of a proper noun: Main Street, the Mississippi River.