M2-a Capitalize proper nouns.

Printed Page H-74

Capitalize specific names of people, groups, places, streets, events, historical periods, monuments, holidays, days, months, and directions that refer to specific geographic areas.

World War II the Great Depression Lincoln Memorial
Independence Day Passover Ramadan
Monday January Colorado College
the Northeast Native Americans Magnolia Avenue


Capitalize adjectives derived from proper nouns.

Mexican Dickensian


common noun The general name of a person, place, or thing.

When a reference is general, use a common noun (uncapitalized) rather than a proper one (capitalized). Do not capitalize general names of institutions, seasons, compass directions, or words that you simply want to emphasize.

summer vacation last winter university requirements
church service southern exposure western life


Note: Common nouns such as street and river are capitalized only when they are part of a proper noun: Main Street, the Mississippi River.