18d Creating nondigital multimodal projects

18dCreating nondigital multimodal projects

If the idea of having to use technology to create a writing project seems intimidating, remember that you can make a multimodal or multimedia project without digital tools. To be “multimodal” or “multimedia,” a project simply needs to go beyond words—but you can use pens and scissors and any other resources at hand to add images, shapes, and other features to your texts.

Comics, scrapbooks, posters, and collages are just a few of the multimodal genres that you can create with or without digital help. Projects like these may incorporate words, or they may let images do most or all of the communicating. However, your instructor will still expect you to consider the rhetorical features of your projects and to convey your purpose and stance effectively to your audience, no matter what genres you choose or what tools you use.