Quick Help: Editing for case

Quick Help: Editing for case

Editing for case

  • Are all pronouns after forms of the verb be in the subjective case in formal writing? (41a)
  • To check for correct use of who and whom (and whoever and whomever), try answering the question or rewriting the clause using he or him. If he is correct, use who or whoever; if him, use whom or whomever. (41b)
  • In compound structures, make sure pronouns are in the same case they would be in if used alone (Jake and she were living in Spain). (41c)
  • When a pronoun follows than or as, complete the sentence mentally to see whether the pronoun should be subjective or objective. (41d)
  • Circle all the pronouns to see if you rely too heavily on any one pronoun or case, especially I. If you find that you do, try rewriting some sentences to change I to me, she to her, and so on.