Student Writing: Argument project (Benjy Mercer-Golden)

Argument project (Benjy Mercer-Golden)

"Lessons from Tree-Huggers and Corporate Mercenaries: A New Model of Sustainable Capitalism" is a researched argument in which Benjy Mercer-Golden uses a variety of digital sources as the basis for a persuasive essay about sustainable business practices. Read the essay and, using the links in the works cited page, explore the original context of the work he cites to respond to the questions below.

  1. Which source did you choose to read? Why?


    Which source did you choose to read? Why?
  2. Who seems to be the intended audience for the original source? How can you tell?


    Who seems to be the intended audience for the original source? How can you tell?
  3. Who created the source? What does the site where the work originally appeared tell you about the creator’s expertise?


    Who created the source? What does the site where the work originally appeared tell you about the creator’s expertise?
  4. What ethical, logical, and emotional appeals does the source make? How convincing are these appeals?


    What ethical, logical, and emotional appeals does the source make? How convincing are these appeals?
  5. What role does this source play in Benjy Mercer-Golden’s research project? How necessary, and how convincing, is the evidence it presents? Would you recommend a different source instead? If so, what kind of source would you suggest?


    What role does this source play in Benjy Mercer-Golden’s research project? How necessary, and how convincing, is the evidence it presents? Would you recommend a different source instead? If so, what kind of source would you suggest?