Student Writing: Reflective annotated bibliography (Nandita Sriram)

Reflective annotated bibliography (Nandita Sriram)

Nandita Sriram compiled the annotated bibliography (which follows MLA style) for a research project on domestic violence in India. Her bibliography includes evaluations of the research methods used in each source and a reflection on the value of the source for her project.

  1. Compare Nandita Sriram’s reflective annotated bibliography with Tony Chan’s annotated bibliography here. Which type of annotated bibliography would be more useful for your own research project? Why?


    Compare Nandita Sriram’s reflective annotated bibliography with Tony Chan’s annotated bibliography here. Which type of annotated bibliography would be more useful for your own research project? Why?
  2. Write a sample summary of a source you have considered using in your own research project, and then evaluate the pros and cons of including the source in your project as you envision it now. Remember that projects can change as you do more research, and provide enough information about the source so you can evaluate its usefulness if your plan changes.


    Write a sample summary of a source you have considered using in your own research project, and then evaluate the pros and cons of including the source in your project as you envision it now. Remember that projects can change as you do more research, and provide enough information about the source so you can evaluate its usefulness if your plan changes.