Student Writing: Reflective blog post (Thanh Nguyen)

Reflective blog post (Thanh Nguyen)

Thanh Nguyen reflected on an artwork he had created for a class and published the reflection as a post on his personal blog. Read Thanh Nguyen's blog post. Then respond to the following questions.

  1. What can you assume about Thanh Nguyen's intended audience for his original poster? Does his blog post aim to reach the same audience? Explain your answer.


    What can you assume about Thanh Nguyen's intended audience for his original poster? Does his blog post aim to reach the same audience? Explain your answer.
  2. What characteristics of Thanh Nguyen's blog post mark it as informal? Does the post's informality affect your view of how persuasive it is? Why or why not?


    What characteristics of Thanh Nguyen's blog post mark it as informal? Does the post's informality affect your view of how persuasive it is? Why or why not?