Question 1 of 10

Solved Problems
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.

Wojciech and Maribel each want the honor of earning the top exam score and winning the Econ Prize, but would have to pull an all-nighter to do so. Also, neither wants to lose. Winning would give 10 units of utility, but the all-nighter costs 2 units of utility. Losing the informal competition costs 10 units of utility. If both choose to study or both choose not to study, there is a tie. Neither wins or loses, but would lose 2 units for the all-nighter and zero otherwise.

If Wojciech does not study but Maribel does, wins and loses.

Whoever studies longer gets the top score and thus the prize.

Wojciech and Maribel each want the honor of earning the top exam score and winning the Econ Prize, but would have to pull an all-nighter to do so. Also, neither wants to lose. Winning would give 10 units of utility, but the all-nighter costs 2 units of utility. Losing the informal competition costs 10 units of utility. If both choose to study or both choose not to study, there is a tie. Neither wins or loses, but would lose 2 units for the all-nighter and zero otherwise.

Because Maribel won by pulling an all-nighter, her net payoff is units of utility. Wojciech’s payoff when he loses is units of utility.

Maribel gains 10 points for winning, but the cost of the all-nighter must be subtracted, giving a net gain of 8 points. Wojciech loses 10 for losing the contest, but did not lose any sleep.

Wojciech and Maribel each want the honor of earning the top exam score and winning the Econ Prize, but would have to pull an all-nighter to do so. Also, neither wants to lose. Winning would give 10 units of utility, but the all-nighter costs 2 units of utility. Losing the informal competition costs 10 units of utility. If both choose to study or both choose not to study, there is a tie. Neither wins or loses, but would lose 2 units for the all-nighter and zero otherwise.

If neither studies, Maribel’s net payoff is units of utility and Wojciech’s payoff is units of utility.

Not studying means no prize, but no fatigue. In addition, with no winner, there is no loser in the contest.

Wojciech and Maribel each want the honor of earning the top exam score and winning the Econ Prize, but would have to pull an all-nighter to do so. Also, neither wants to lose. Winning would give 10 units of utility, but the all-nighter costs 2 units of utility. Losing the informal competition costs 10 units of utility. If both choose to study or both choose not to study, there is a tie. Neither wins or loses, but would lose 2 units for the all-nighter and zero otherwise.

If both study, and there is therefore no winner, Maribel’s net payoff is units of utility and Wojciech’s payoff is units of utility.

Here, there is no winner and no loser in the contest, but both players lost sleep.

Wojciech and Maribel each want the honor of earning the top exam score and winning the Econ Prize, but would have to pull an all-nighter to do so. Also, neither wants to lose. Winning would give 10 units of utility, but the all-nighter costs 2 units of utility. Losing the informal competition costs 10 units of utility. If both choose to study or both choose not to study, there is a tie. Neither wins or loses, but would lose 2 units for the all-nighter and zero otherwise.

Wojciech Study Don’t Study
Study () (8‚ -10)
Don’t Study () ()
This is the information from parts b-d in matrix form. Note the costs are assigned negative points, and make sure to read the grid correctly!

Wojciech and Maribel each want the honor of earning the top exam score and winning the Econ Prize, but would have to pull an all-nighter to do so. Also, neither wants to lose. Winning would give 10 units of utility, but the all-nighter costs 2 units of utility. Losing the informal competition costs 10 units of utility. If both choose to study or both choose not to study, there is a tie. Neither wins or loses, but would lose 2 units for the all-nighter and zero otherwise.

Wojciech Study Don’t Study
Study (-2‚ -2) (8‚ -10)
Don’t Study (-10‚ 8) (0‚ 0)

If Maribel studies, Wojciech’s utility is higher if he chooses .

Start in the middle column. Compare the left-hand numeric values in the two cells. -2 > -10, representing a smaller loss if Wojciech studies all night.

Wojciech and Maribel each want the honor of earning the top exam score and winning the Econ Prize, but would have to pull an all-nighter to do so. Also, neither wants to lose. Winning would give 10 units of utility, but the all-nighter costs 2 units of utility. Losing the informal competition costs 10 units of utility. If both choose to study or both choose not to study, there is a tie. Neither wins or loses, but would lose 2 units for the all-nighter and zero otherwise.

Wojciech Study Don’t Study
Study (-2‚ -2) (8‚ -10)
Don’t Study (-10‚ 8) (0‚ 0)

If Maribel does not study, Wojciech’s utility is higher if he chooses .

Start in the right-hand column. Compare the left-hand numeric values in the two cells. 8 > 0, representing a larger gain if Wojciech studies all night.

Wojciech and Maribel each want the honor of earning the top exam score and winning the Econ Prize, but would have to pull an all-nighter to do so. Also, neither wants to lose. Winning would give 10 units of utility, but the all-nighter costs 2 units of utility. Losing the informal competition costs 10 units of utility. If both choose to study or both choose not to study, there is a tie. Neither wins or loses, but would lose 2 units for the all-nighter and zero otherwise.

Wojciech Study Don’t Study
Study (-2‚ -2) (8‚ -10)
Don’t Study (-10‚ 8) (0‚ 0)

If Wojciech studies, Maribel’s utility is higher if she chooses .

Start in the middle row. Compare the right-hand numeric values in the two cells. -2 > -10, representing a smaller loss if Maribel studies all night.

Wojciech and Maribel each want the honor of earning the top exam score and winning the Econ Prize, but would have to pull an all-nighter to do so. Also, neither wants to lose. Winning would give 10 units of utility, but the all-nighter costs 2 units of utility. Losing the informal competition costs 10 units of utility. If both choose to study or both choose not to study, there is a tie. Neither wins or loses, but would lose 2 units for the all-nighter and zero otherwise.

Wojciech Study Don’t Study
Study (-2‚ -2) (8‚ -10)
Don’t Study (-10‚ 8) (0‚ 0)

If Wojciech does not study, Maribel’s utility is higher if she chooses .

Start in the bottom row. Compare the right-hand numeric values in the two cells. 8 > 0, representing a smaller loss if Maribel studies all night.

Wojciech and Maribel each want the honor of earning the top exam score and winning the Econ Prize, but would have to pull an all-nighter to do so. Also, neither wants to lose. Winning would give 10 units of utility, but the all-nighter costs 2 units of utility. Losing the informal competition costs 10 units of utility. If both choose to study or both choose not to study, there is a tie. Neither wins or loses, but would lose 2 units for the all-nighter and zero otherwise.

Wojciech Study Don’t Study
Study (-2‚ -2) (8‚ -10)
Don’t Study (-10‚ 8) (0‚ 0)

In this game, the net utility for both students will be higher, if , than if .

This is an example of the classic “Prisoner’s Dilemma.” Utility if both pull all-nighters is (-2, -2), while not doing so would give the students (0, 0).