Complete the following equation for the Taylor rule:
Federal funds target rate = 9a375pDfYsw=brSjF5lOKMQ= inflation rate brSjF5lOKMQ= (oG/vuKBFqvk= x inflation gap) brSjF5lOKMQ= (oG/vuKBFqvk= x output gap)
Suppose that the inflation target is 3% and the output growth target is 4%.
If actual inflation is 5% and the output growth rate is 6%, the inflation gap is BRTW0UzIYJYH10vw9BJw8AMYGxI= and the output gap is BRTW0UzIYJYH10vw9BJw8AMYGxI=.
Suppose that the inflation target is 3% and the output growth target is 4%.
How much should the federal funds target rate be? Q3PdQ4iKdKE=%
Suppose that the inflation target is 3% and the output growth target is 4%.
If actual inflation is 1% and the output growth rate is 2%, the inflation gap is 2m+SZon6QNUVwk/Oj6RZJQoMtN8= and the output gap is jBZBYfR4h9ewdATfu7m66Cn7LYc=.
Suppose that the inflation target is 3% and the output growth target is 4%.
How much should the federal funds rate target be? 0VV1JcqyBrI=%
According to the Taylor rule, then, interest rates are lower when inflation is 2bdsihuL8LcvvgL3 and output growth is 2bdsihuL8LcvvgL3.