The following lists of errors in pronunciation are from Paul L. Soper, Basic Public Speaking, Third Edition (New York: Oxford University Press, 1968), with gratitude. The correct pronunciation or proper spelling is given in parentheses.
Misplacing the Accent
admir’able | (ad’mirable) |
applic’able | (ap’plicable) |
ce’ment | (cement’) |
compar’able | (com’parable) |
exemplar’y | (exemp’lary) |
exig’ency | (ex’igency) |
finan’cier | (financier’) |
formid’able | (for’midable) |
hor’izon | (hori’zon) |
i’dea | (ide’a) |
impi’ous | (im’pious) |
impot’ent | (im’potent) |
incompar’able | (incom’parable) |
incongru’ous | (incon’gruous) |
infam’ous | (in’famous) |
in’terest’ed | (in’terested) |
irrepar’able | (irrep’arable) |
municip’al | (munic’ipal) |
prefer’able | (pref’erable) |
proj’ectile | (projec’tile) |
reg’ime | (regime’) |
respite’ | (res’pite) |
superflu’ous | (super’fluous) |
u’nited | (unit’ed) |
vehe’ment | (ve’hement) |
vehi’cle | (ve’hicle) |
Addition of Sounds
athaletics | (athletics) |
attack-ted | (attacked) |
barbarious | (barbarous) |
colyum | (column) |
corpse | (corps) |
drawr | (draw) |
drownded | (drowned) |
elum | (elm) |
enterance | (entrance) |
ekscape | (escape) |
filum | (film) |
grievious | (grievous) |
height-th | (height) |
hinderance | (hindrance) |
idear | (idea) |
lightening | (lightning) |
mischievious | (mischievous) |
of-ten | (of[t]en) |
rememberance | (remembrance) |
sing-ger | (singer) |
stastistics | (statistics) |
sub-tle | (su[b]tle) |
484 sufferage |
(suffrage) |
umberella | (umbrella) |
warsh | (wash) |
Omission of Sounds
assessory | (accessory) |
accerate | (accurate) |
actully | (actually) |
blong | (belong) |
canidate | (candidate) |
defnite | (definite) |
jography | (geography) |
guarntee | (guarantee) |
ineffecshal | (ineffectual) |
nuclus | (nucleus) |
particlar | (particular) |
pome | (poem) |
plice | (police) |
quite | (quiet) |
reconize | (recognize) |
resume | (résumé) |
sedimentry | (sedimentary) |
simlar | (similar) |
sussinct | (succinct) |
superntenent | (superintendent) |
temperture | (temperature) |
uzhal | (usual) |
vilent | (violent) |
Sound Substitutions
agin | (again) |
blaytant | (blatant) |
boquet | (bouquet) |
brochr | (brochure) |
capsl | (capsule) |
calvary | (cavalry) |
tshasm | (chasm) |
click | (clique) |
conscious | (conscience) |
crooks | (crux) |
cullinary | (culinary) |
dictionury | (dictionary) |
diptheria | (diphtheria) |
dipthong | (diphthong) |
dis-hevel | (dishevel) |
fewtyle | (futile) |
genuwine | (genuine) |
gesture | (g is soft) |
gigantic | (first g is soft) |
hiccough | (hiccup) |
homidge | (homage) |
ullusion | (illusion) |
interduce | (introduce) |
irrevelent | (irrelevant) |
jist | (just) |
larnyx | (larynx) |
lenth | (length) |
longgevity | (longevity) |
loose | (lose) |
memor | (memoir) |
miradge | (mirage) |
preform | (perform) |
prespiration | (perspiration) |
preelude | (prelude) |
prestidge | (prestige) |
rench | (rinse) |
saloon | (salon) |
statue | (stature) |
strenth | (strength) |
substantuate | (substantiate) |
tedjius | (tedious) |
theayter | (theater) |