Figure false: John Kerry uses a tabbed copy of his speech, to organize his main points.
Figure false: Thierry Chesnot/Getty Images News/Getty Images


Chapter 11 Organizing the Body of the Speech

Beyond the Speech: Organizing as a Life Skill

Parts of a Speech

image SELF-ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST Do the Speech Points Illustrate or Prove the Thesis?

Use Supporting Points to Substantiate Your Claims

Pay Close Attention to Coordination and Subordination

Strive for a Unified, Coherent, and Balanced Outline

image CHECKLIST Do the Speech Points Reflect Unity, Coherence, and Balance?

Use Transitions to Give Direction to the Speech


image FROM POINT TO POINT Using Transitions to Guide Your Listeners

Chapter 12 Types of Organizational Arrangements

image CHECKLIST Choosing an Organizational Pattern

Arranging Speech Points Chronologically

Arranging Speech Points Using a Spatial Pattern

Arranging Speech Points Using a Causal (Cause-Effect) Pattern

Arranging Speech Points Using a Problem-Solution Pattern

Arranging Speech Points Topically

Arranging Speech Points Using a Narrative Pattern

Subpoints Need Not Match the Pattern of Main Points

image CHECKLIST Evaluating Organizational Patterns

image A CULTURAL PERSPECTIVE Organizational Patterns and Diverse Audiences

Chapter 13 Outlining the Speech

Plan on Creating Two Outlines

Create a Working Outline First

image CHECKLIST Steps in Creating a Working Outline

Prepare a Speaking Outline for Delivery

image CHECKLIST Tips on Using Notecards or Sheets of Paper

image CHECKLIST Steps in Creating a Speaking Outline

image SAMPLE SPEECH The History and Sport of Mountain Biking, Zachary Dominque


Figure false: Thierry Chesnot/Getty Images News/Getty Images

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry addressed the U.S. embassy on March 5, 2014, in Paris, France, in the photo that begins this section. He spoke about his meetings with the Ukrainian and the Russian foreign ministers, regarding the crisis in the region. It’s evident that the secretary of state planned the speech carefully; notice the tabs on his notes that you can see in the tab divider photograph. Preparing and organizing a speech are essential for any occasion.