Professional Clip 08: Sarah Brady, 1996 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address

But then, one rainy afternoon in March, our dreams were shattered by an assassination attempt on President Reagan. President Reagan was shot and so was Jim. We almost lost Jim that day, and we almost lost the President. But, thanks to the heroism of the Secret Service and the determination of the physicians and staff at George Washington Hospital, Jim lived, and so did the President, thank God. But, our lives would never be quite the same. All it took was one gun, one bullet, and one man, who should never have owned a gun. Every year in this country, nearly 40,000 Americans are killed with a firearm. More than 100,000 are wounded. Every two hours, another child is killed with a firearm. And, with each death and each wound, another American dream, another American family, is shattered.