Professional Clip 28: Kay Bailey Hutchison, Freedom and Success
So the most important point I want to make to you today is simple: the new economy has not repealed old values. The old tried and true basics – hard work, honor, integrity, and the value of friendships – are still there. The essence of America was established very early. Alexis de Tocqueville, the most perceptive French observer of American life in the 19th century, saw our uniqueness from the beginning. His description: “A land of wonders, in which everything is in constant motion and every change seems to be an improvement. No natural boundary seems to be set to the efforts of man in that country.” His words, written 170 years ago, could be written today. All that we have comes down to one basic right. Generations of America have been willing to fight and die for it. Their gift to us is freedom. Knowledge depends on freedom, creativity depends on freedom, progress depends on freedom. It's my job to protect this right, it is yours to see that I do. Education gives both of us the tools to succeed. Congratulations, class of 2000.