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Pronunciation refers to correctness in the way you say words. Are you saying them in a way that has been commonly agreed to? If you pronounce terms incorrectly, your listeners may have difficulty understanding you. Equally troublesome, they may question your credibility.

Elizabeth, a banking professional, related the following story about the problems that can arise when a speaker mispronounces words:

In my job I was required to work with lawyers, because they drew up the trust documents for their clients. I worked with lawyers, but I was no lawyer myself. Sometimes they can be a little arrogant about their position, thinking that if you didn’t go to law school, you shouldn’t be working in a law-related field. I worked hard to earn their respect. But I noticed that when I used some legal terms in front of them, they would occasionally look at one another and smile, like they were sharing a private joke. One such word was testator. That’s the person who creates a testament like a trust or a will. Whenever I used that word, I always said “TES-tah-tore,” so that it sounded like it would rhyme with “matador.” And the lawyers would smirk—but nobody ever corrected me. Some time later I was embarrassed to learn that the word is pronounced “tes-TAY-ter.”


How can you ensure that your pronunciation is accurate? The guideline here is simple: if you’re not certain how to pronounce a word or a name you want to use in your speech, find out how to say it before you deliver your presentation. For names of public figures, search for radio or television interviews with the subject to find out the preferred pronunciation. For other words, you can ask for guidance from your instructors, classmates, coworkers, or friends who might be familiar with the term. Better still, refer to a reputable dictionary, which will provide phonetic spellings for each word as well as a general guide to pronunciation. Many online dictionaries and other resources provide useful audio clips that demonstrate proper pronunciation.2