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View a few political impersonations (Will Ferrell’s George W. Bush, Fred Armisen’s Barack Obama, Tina Fey’s Sarah Palin, or Amy Poehler’s Hillary Clinton) from Saturday Night Live. Does seeing particular delivery habits—Palin’s winking, Obama’s frequent use of the word look—exaggerated and lampooned change the way you perceive these politicians in real life?
Without practicing, make a brief recording of yourself explaining a simple and familiar task—for example, providing directions from your home to campus. Then make another recording of yourself describing a less concrete concept, such as the musical qualities of a favorite song. Take note of how often you use verbal fillers and verbal tics in each case. Do you think you would have used them as often if you had prepared an outline and rehearsed? Try it, and compare your results.
Check out a few stand-up comedy performances on YouTube or DVD. Take note of how the comics use nonverbal delivery skills—such as eye contact, panning techniques, and movement—to engage with their audience. Which comics are most effective at using nonverbal delivery skills? Why?