“Strong introductions create audience interest; strong conclusions create lasting impressions.”
In this chapter, we provided ideas for crafting effective introductions and conclusions for your speeches. We noted that a good introduction has several purposes—
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LaunchPad for Speak Up offers videos and encourages self-
throughout the chapter for adaptive quizzing and online video activities.
Key Terms
Review Questions
Briefly explain the five major functions of a good introduction.
Describe seven specific strategies you can use to create an attention-
What three steps must you take to develop a solid conclusion?
Offer five types of memorable clinchers.
Critical Thinking Questions
Why is it important to offer an attention-
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How can you effectively use audience analysis to determine whether humor would be a good attention-
What happens if you fail to present a solid conclusion to your speech?
Working in groups, select a potential speech topic. Then have each group member select a different attention-
Imagine that you are about to give a speech to a group of total strangers you know little about. How would you use your introduction to establish credibility? How would this differ from the way you would establish credibility to a group you had something in common with—
Working in groups, select a potential speech topic that is relevant at your campus. Then discuss how you could show each of the following audiences “what’s in it for them”: students who work while attending school, student athletes, students who are active in extracurricular activities, students with children.
Review the illustration “Finish with a Memorable Clincher” and the accompanying text on page 299. Imagine you are presenting a speech on a problem of concern in your community. Indicate what your topic would be, and develop your own memorable clincher, using astronaut Sally Ride’s speech as an example.
Video Activity 10.4: “Full Introduction: Attention-Getter, Thesis, and Preview” and “Full Conclusion.” Watch the introduction and conclusion to Cameron’s speech analyzing a quotation by Confucius. Which parts of an introduction does he include (attention-