Prepare your speaking outline on 5 in. × 7 in. note cards or on standard 8½ in. × 11 in. paper. Keep your points brief, using only quick phrases or one or two key words for each point. The more you’ve practiced your speech, the more useful the speaking outline will be as a reminder while you’re delivering your speech.
Because you’ll refer to this outline as needed while giving your presentation, make it easy on the eyes. If you use a word processor to create the outline, double-
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Base your speaking outline on your working outline. Create a similar structure by using roman numerals, capital letters, and arabic numerals and by indenting subordinate points. Number each note card or page of your speaking outline. This will help you reassemble the outline quickly if you drop your cards or pages while walking up to the front of the room or delivering your speech.
Note that your instructor may have specific requirements about the form and length of your speaking outline. Check to ensure that your outline meets these requirements.