“Effective mediated public speaking offers a new world of challenges and opportunities.”
In this chapter, we examined mediated public speaking, in which a message is transmitted through an electronic or a mechanical medium. We contrasted mediated communication with face-
Some of the advantages of all mediated presentations are flexibility, savings, and audience size. Prerecorded advantages include do-
When recording a presentation, you should consider choice of camera, setting/background, attire, and camera positioning. For real-
Page 464
LaunchPad for Speak Up offers videos and encourages self-
throughout the chapter for adaptive quizzing and online video activities.
Key Terms
prerecorded (asynchronous) presentation 439
real-time (synchronous) presentation 439
Review Questions
Define mediated public speaking, and provide three examples of situations in which a mediated presentation might be used.
Name and define the two major categories of mediated presentations.
Identify three advantages of mediated presentations.
Define naturalness, and explain the challenges speakers face when not presenting in a face-
Identify three things to keep in mind for effective delivery of mediated presentations.
Name four ways of keeping your audience engaged during a mediated presentation.
Name three tips for practicing the delivery and recording of a prerecorded speech.
Page 465
Explain how the background for a prerecorded speech should look.
Explain the advantages of group chat/video or screen sharing in a real-
Critical Thinking Questions
Will mediated public speaking ever replace face-
Some colleges have created courses in which all lectures are presented online. Does this format improve the quality of education? Why or why not?
You have been assigned to videotape a presentation for your class, and you have three choices for locations—
Working individually or in groups, prepare a plan to prerecord a speech. Include the type of camera, setting and background, speaker’s attire, and camera positioning.
Look at the illustration on page 458. How would you redraw this picture to correct the three camera operators? What should each person do differently?
Video Activity 15.4: “Gentz, My Hero, Marilyn Hamilton.” Watch Lillian Gentz’s speech. How does the limited view of the speaker make it difficult to observe all of her nonverbal communication? Her presentation aids? If you were the camera operator, what changes would you make in recording Gentz’s presentation?