You might choose to provide a demonstration of a topic if your goal is to teach your audience how a process or a set of guidelines works. Demonstrations often call for both physical modeling and verbal elements as you lead the audience through the parts or steps of whatever you are demonstrating. Your audience learns by watching your modeling and listening to your words. Because physical modeling often requires the use of props and visual aids, be sure to practice with the aids before giving your speech. And because you’ll be teaching your audience, you need to be confident that you know your topic thoroughly.
Demonstrations could be helpful for a wide range of informative speeches. For example, you might use a demonstration to show your listeners how to do one of the following:
Fix a flat tire on a bicycle
Care for an orchid
Create a Zen garden sandbox
Sell something on Craigslist
Milk a goat
Perform a praise dance
Practice self-
Properly display and store an American flag
To see an example of a speaker demonstrating what to look for when buying a guitar, try Video Activity 16.1, “Garza, How to Buy a Guitar.”
For some of these demonstrations, you could take the needed props to your speech forum. For instance, to demonstrate how to fold an American flag, you could easily bring in a large flag and—
Demonstration coupled with repetition of the speech message has proven especially effective as a learning and memory-