Single Group Representative

Sometimes one person will be responsible for presenting on behalf of the entire group. If your group has selected this format, keep the following considerations in mind.

First, check that your group has discussed and decided on the best approach for the presentation. Which person is most qualified to present the group’s opinions? Who would have the most effective delivery? Is this a topic that requires the ethos or authority of a group leader or a group member with particular expertise? Select the member who best meets these criteria.

Second, if you’re the person chosen to give the presentation, be sure your group has carefully thought through all aspects of the speech. There’s an important difference between a speech that you prepare, research, and deliver yourself and one that emerges from a group: in the latter instance, the group contributes substantially to the invention process. Get input from all group members before you start preparing the presentation, and solicit their feedback after you outline your speech.


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Third, as you are delivering the talk, take care to distinguish whether you are representing your own views, the views of some members of the group, or a consensus of all group members. Be fair and accurate when summarizing other members’ viewpoints. Acknowledge other members’ good ideas rather than presenting them as your own.
