Chapter 1 Speech Choices Discussion Questions

After reading the case studies for Mia and Jacob, check your comprehension by answering the following questions. Then "submit" your work.


1. Looking at the items Mia and Jacob covered, what are some other areas of interest that you might want to explore in an “introductory-biographical” speech?

1. Looking at the items Mia and Jacob covered, what are some other areas of interest that you might want to explore in an “introductory-biographical” speech?


2. Where else might you give an “introductory-biographical” speech and how might the audience affect what information you would present?

2. Where else might you give an “introductory-biographical” speech and how might the audience affect what information you would present?


3. In what ways could you make your “introductory-biographical” speech an ethical speech? An unethical speech?

3. In what ways could you make your “introductory-biographical” speech an ethical speech? An unethical speech?