Elba Moise: Famine and disease. All of these terms are associated with the country of Haiti, as well as the organization, Humanity 4 Haitian Development, which is trying to combat these terms.
According to the World Health Organization, Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere. By show of hands, how many of you all would consider volunteering, or donating your time, in helping Haiti? Awesome. Good people in the crowd.
Today's presentation what I will be covering is the organization, and this Humanity 4 Haitian Development, as well as it's initiatives in helping Haiti. And since I have been within Haiti, and I've done my own research in Haiti, and I'm an active member in this organization, I feel that I am well qualified to speak about the matter.
Good morning, everyone. My name is Elba Moise, and by today's presentation, you will all have a better understanding of Humanity 4 Haitian Development, as well as its initiatives in helping Haiti.
My first point that I'll be covering is Haiti's background. The second point I will also be focusing on is the actual organization itself. And the third main point will be focusing on the current ongoing projects that the organization is conducting.
So, my first point is Haiti. And according to the World Health Organization, as I mentioned earlier, it is the poorest country in the western hemisphere. 70% of the population is unemployed, and according to Pan American Health, as well as Humanity 4 Haitian Development, 2/3 of the population lacks access to basic health care, education, and clean facilities.
And you can think of it in the sense of, imagine in the United States. 2/3 being 34 states not having access to healthcare. Meaning you all could not go to the doctor, or you could possibly not have access to a toilet or clean water. 34 out of 50.
So now that we have a better understanding of the critical state that Haiti is in, we can focus on the second point, which is the organization, Humanity 4 Haitian Development. It's a nonprofit organization that was created in order to help Haiti become self-sustainable. And help them have higher levels of access to certain needs, such as clean water, education, and so forth.
So now that we have a better understanding of the actual organization, we can move forward and focus on the third main point, which concerns the organization's current and future projects. And this past summer, the organization went to Haiti and collected information on what was needed and what was lacking. And based on that information, they are able to create programs to help Haiti.
Also, a few weeks ago, I was able to create a fundraiser here on campus, in which all proceeds that were collected went to Humanity 4 Haitian Development, to help in the certain projects. Specifically the education project, which focuses on buying books for school children, as well as uniforms, so that they can go to school.
So, as I near the end of my speech, we've all learned about Haiti and the state that its in, right now. as well as Humanity 4 Haitian Development, and the initiatives that they're doing right now to better Haiti. After hearing today's presentation, after hearing today's presentation, would you like to continue to learn more about Haiti and how to get involved? Awesome. That's great.
As I mentioned, as we covered all these things, and if anyone is interested in learning more about the organization, you can always look up Humanity 4 Haitian Development on how to get involved. Remember, it only takes one person to make a difference.