Possible acceptable answers might include ideas similar to the following: Rafaela’s vocal and nonverbal delivery is effective overall, although there are elements of delivery that could be improved with more practice.
Rafaela’s speaking voice is very good. She clearly articulates her words and speaks at an appropriate rate. She has good tonal variety and uses her voice to emphasize key points; for example, when she says, “men in this class, I’m calling on you…” Rafaela shows a good command of the material, she rarely has awkward pauses or uses verbal fillers or tics while speaking
With respect to nonverbal skills, Rafaela often incorporates natural gestures that reinforce her message. One example of this is when she says “a new high, but far from parity,” when discussing women’s underrepresentation in office. Occasionally she has two hands on her notes, but generally, she is gesturing with one hand. Her movement is good, too. She uses controlled movement during transitions but largely avoids nervous or unintentional movement. One area for improvement is eye contact. Although she makes an effort to look up from her notes, she could do so even more regularly. When she looks at the audience; for example, when she says “I’m talking to you,” her connection with the audience is strengthened.