Raise a Toast!

Raise a Toast!

Consider the question below. Then submit your response.

A toast is a short speech that celebrates a person, a thing, or an event, and typically involves a call for a group of people to drink a beverage at the conclusion. Traditionally the beverage was alcoholic, but today toasts are made with all sorts of drinks; the important point is to hold up a glass indicating that you share in the spirit of celebration and wish someone well. For this activity, you’ll be asked to develop a very short toast to a classmate, which means you will not have a lot of time to prepare. Your instructor will pair you with someone, or you will pair yourself with a classmate. Work through the four basic steps of speech prep:

RESEARCH: Interview your classmate, and find out why he or she is taking the class. Then ask your classmate to tell you about a recent accomplishment.

ORGANIZE: Toasts are typically very brief and usually have only one point; however, they do model the magic number of three in structure: (1) the opening, (2) the main point, and (3) the conclusion. Briefly write out a plan for your toast. The opening usually asks for the attention of the audience; the main point is usually a reference to why you are toasting; and the conclusion is typically a wish for the person being honored, followed by a sip of a drink.

PRACTICE: Briefly rehearse your toast with your classmate. Get his or her feedback, and revise your speech if you need to.

DELIVER: When asked by your instructor, stand in front of the class and offer your toast. Use a soda or water bottle for your beverage. Please note: Insofar as the whole class will be giving toasts, you should probably pretend to drink at the conclusion of each toast; your bladder will thank you.

Question 1