Chapter . Online Communication Module

Online Communication Module

Online Communication Module
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A Speaker’s Guidebook Online Communication Module


In this module, you will explore some of the challenges and opportunities present in online communication, and learn how to improve your online communication skills to succeed in an increasingly online world. Each of the following slides will guide you through this process. After answering any questions that may be on a slide, use the next arrow link to move to the next slide. You may also use the Outline menu to skip directly to any available slide. Please note: Students must complete the slides in order.


In the spring of 2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic raged through the world, people from all corners of the globe were forced to abruptly shift their methods of communicating. Schoolchildren moved from in-person school to virtual learning. Office workers transitioned to work from home offices. Friends and family adjusted social events such as birthday parties and happy hours from in-person group events to socially distanced Zoom meetings. And coordinators of large events like the Presidential Inauguration and the Golden Globe Awards Ceremony created new ways of connecting with their audiences in a safe, virtual way.

During this time, online communication, or communication that occurs through the use of electronic devices rather than through face-to-face interaction, became more important than ever across all types of communication that we do, including public speaking, interpersonal communication, small group communication, and business and professional communication. There are many ways in which online communication is similar to face-to-face communication, but there are some challenges that are particular to the former.

Consider Online Communication

Consider Online Communication

As you read in Chapter 28, online presentations require the same basic elements of planning and delivery as face-to-face presentations, but they come with a unique set of challenges specific to communicating online. These challenges are similar across many different types of online communication, and there are steps that you can take to overcome these challenges and to help you become a more effective online communicator.

Consider the following three questions as you proceed through the activity.


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Technical Considerations

Technical Considerations

At the heart of some of the most common challenges we face during online communication are technical issues. How often do our online interactions begin with “Hi, can you hear me? It looks like you’re on mute. Isabelle seems to be trying to connect her audio. Sam, your video is off and all we can see is a cat ...”

When we incorporate more technology in our everyday communication, the potential for technical issues increases in turn. But there are steps that we can take to mitigate these potential problems to ensure a smooth online communication experience.

The process of preparing to deliver an online speech is similar in many ways to preparing to deliver a face-to-face speech. You will still select your general speech purpose, conduct a careful audience analysis, use credible supporting materials, establish a clear organizational structure, and utilize a natural delivery style.

As you practice for an online delivery, you can set yourself up for success by mimicking the conditions of your presentation as closely as possible:

  • If you will deliver your speech “live” to a virtual audience, practice using the platform through which you will present your speech (for example, Zoom, Google Hangouts, Skype, GoToMeeting, Webex).
  • Practice in the location where you will present, and, if possible, at the general time of day when you will present to check Internet stability and other conditions.
  • Take a close look at the background that your audience will see. Is there anything behind you that might be distracting or embarrassing? If so, can you clear your space or move to a different location? Alternately, would it make sense to use a virtual background?
  • If you will be presenting your screen to show presentation aids, rehearse these within your online conferencing program. Make sure you know what to press to share your screen, what to press to stop sharing your screen, what might pop up after you begin screen sharing, etc. Does a screen sharing tool bar pop up that might block the tab you need to access to show your presentation aid? Can you change your setting to move it to a different part of your screen so it does not interfere with your presentation? Don’t forget to turn off any notifications such as email or messages before beginning your presentation.
  • Keep low tech backups on hand. Everyone knows that technical issues happen, so keep a printout of your presentation aids with you during your online presentation. This way, if something goes wrong with your online aids during your presentation, you are prepared and can continue.
  • Gather an audience of friends, family, or classmates for a live rehearsal. Have them sign on for a mock meeting, and go through your whole presentation as if it were the real thing. Share your screen, show your presentation aids, and deliver your presentation. Then ask your audience for feedback. Could they see and hear you? Was your use of presentation aids smooth? What suggestions do they have for improvement?

Use the text box below to answer the following question:


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Lighting and Audio

Lighting and Audio

Lighting and audio are extremely important aspects of online communication and, unlike in a face-to-face presentation, they are aspects that you can control to make the most of your presentation.


In the video below, video producer Steven Lemon provides advice for achieving ideal lighting for online communication. Watch the video and answer the two questions that follow.


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Audio is another important technical aspect of online communication over which you have (some) control. Keep these tips in mind when considering your audio setup for your online presentation:

  • Do what you can to mitigate background noise on your end. When possible, position yourself in a quiet room and close your door. If you know that particular times of day are nosier than others, try to plan your speech around those times if possible.
  • Consider using noise canceling headphones with a microphone.
  • Reduce background noise from your audience by either setting up your presentation as a “webinar” where attendees can watch but not speak, or by asking your audience members to mute their microphones before you begin. Then you can invite your audience to unmute themselves at a specific time for questions, or advise them to ask their questions using the chat function of your presentation platform, if you would like your presentation to be more interactive.
  • Sit close to the microphone you are using, speak clearly, and project your voice.
  • While rehearsing, record yourself delivering your presentation and then watch the recording. How do you sound? Do you need to make changes to enhance your sound quality?

Considerations for Asynchronous Online Presentations

Considerations for Asynchronous Online Presentations

An asynchronous online presentation, as opposed to a synchronous or live presentation, is one in which a speaker records the presentation and distributes it to the audience to watch at their leisure. If you have the option, preparing an asynchronous online presentation is a great way to reduce the chance of technical difficulties.

The preparation of asynchronous online presentations is in many ways the same as that of synchronous presentations. For delivery, though, there are some important benefits to asynchronous delivery. When delivering an asynchronous online presentation, the speaker can:

  • control the timing of the presentation, and choose a day and time to record that works best in terms of environment, background noise, lighting, etc.
  • do several “takes” of the presentation, stopping and re-recording as necessary.
  • remediate technical issues if they arise without interrupting their presentation.

If you suffer from public speaking anxiety, preparing a recorded asynchronous presentation may help you alleviate some of your anxieties since you are better able to control the situation.

Case Study

Case Study

Read the case study below, and then answer the four questions that follow to help Gregory as he prepares for and delivers his capstone presentation.

Gregory is preparing a capstone presentation for his final course of nursing school. The presentation will be delivered online. Gregory has been preparing the content of his presentation, and is getting ready for the day of his presentation, which will be synchronous during his regular class time. His presentation, to be delivered via Zoom to his class and instructor, includes slides on the online platform Prezi and a brief video, which he will play through YouTube. The presentation is formal and accounts for a large portion of his final grade for the course.


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Online communication is, and is likely to continue to be, an important part of our everyday communication. Developing the skills to become an effective online communicator can set you up for success, not only in college, but in your personal and professional lives as well. The concepts you have explored here are just the beginning, and we hope that you will continue to grow and develop these skills each time you communicate online.