Here is a list of employees at a small firm that have been “numbered” for convenience:
The following is part of a random number table:
16124 45998 60679 05487 98825 29942 13522 01868 85705 12053
The first three numbers using this method would then be zhw5AiG32jY=, DDH6Tw1RFEk=, and then DxnlX4coZmM=.
In a simple random sample, each element of the list is chosen with +ISNqUSclntimKbX1Bap+4I4hEK/v1sn probability and 0DCcWHYwVJynuwQXo4e9FYvhhXWvB1v3jgeo3Wh3ONBHuJo1 the previous selection.
A quick sample would pick the first 5 employees (numbered 1 to 5). This is an example of a YHm0eBMYX+ApcKmBV+GMCqg9Gsrfq9awnoa+nLlQXEgyhpQn sample.
Here is the list of employees with their genders added:
The following is part of a different random number table:
52833 $table 18038 63473 88380 33013 86286 84407 66031 39555
We wish to select a separate random sample of size 3 for males and of size 5 for females using this new random number table. This design is called a z8N7vS9PxSmq15xko6yWbAx5IPXzw8jrrYZkO+j7+mEUDo1x random sample.
The first two males selected using this new random number table are (enter the names in order of selection) QPQrapfiAJestZB/ and 8Ljb0MPqTCiSSJXs .
The first two females selected using this new random number table are (enter the names in order of selection) WcmlByclKjcTiVbP and sb0dkfzO4ZorA7O5.
Suppose that only 3 of the males respond. This is an example of XvUmTb0zeV+2gqDRnjdmThJK5vDBC8sRxPyGJAK6Si/rqINyjcgzcvXef49wMQVXHffh0g==.