There are 5 conditions for a binomial distribution to be an appropriate model for a random variable:
1. There are a fixed number n of observations
2. The n observations are independent of each other.
3. Each observation falls into one of two categories which are arbitrarily called “success” and “failure”.
4. The random variable X counts the number of “success”.
5. The probability of success p is the same for all observations.
For each situation below identify the attributes of the binomial distribution (if applicable) or identify why the following is not a binomial distribution.
Count the number of heads in 5 flips of a fair coin.
n is pB9riSzaspz6PYCmwb3oymhqeZAySvi0QbVhoo1pVIfwM541xnegsU0s0Og=
Each coin’s outcome d7FMb4RH1Z8539k+oiW8khTHEO4xChWcYBa8pT/1AEo2XQhfF/xr15bq+fWwkJEtwZmXY0B0xZCGnD9RKfRAubOp7FclBq61.
There are XvVM00l89Is= outcomes for each flip with a ____ q6fFEtbkgG3mr3T5JenhTA== being defined as a success.
We are counting E0L/Md/ZjF/VIOg6SJqL55e7xcNtnWsOoDZghovv3EQx2Q/IiXo+J2zrrZgrfwMC1VMTljtDOFYAqyU+W+63PpvNM+INBJu/UvSBZ5UWoBoJotj+FxiFudyAqdFvzCwyPYxC4w==.
The probability of success is (give your answer in decimal form) ot+qaZUmHUo= which is s3wstqOIcq40gTq3J6rNPawZCcvowUfe for each trial.
This imf3zWu5ZCEoGIrfhClNhw== a binomial situation.
Count the number of boys in sets of identical twins.
n is GjplM3//U4/ohZRIgetSeH2Pj8xcjp1ZRt1LtXhh1xdctkqx.
The second child’s sex Nyod7h8SyoJBKJb3/Q07aMZ06urV/salFvZ3gk8i4dZ2W/VbgnR3PkCg8sacNjg/SDz2lci1aluLYtJvf+Xpkb6Fx0yBeU7wQ8zkvHkc+W2UgGp/3Hae4A==.
There areXvVM00l89Is= outcomes for each count with a EW1K8BOKOsadqSt7WH3fYQ== being defined as a success.
We are counting YmfaWl0Ed+Gjirwu1T/pp+s+OEl0H56BeEUZbVtf+FdTCeISEYY2i/vJD9UAa+wA96g1cW/UX9Pdjm0e.
The probability of success is (give your answer in decimal form) ot+qaZUmHUo= for the first child; the probability of success is CE7qYTsMlWMQQBr2EgzY1zkURxjEcVsG22rF+fr6ba3/L3xE1UHv+8UQTAw5O1TvFHS4IRspL+RJ/dW5ZBgt+TNoOOh8zhDk for the sex of the second child.
This AgprdJo46NHaz28x2bF68g== a binomial situation.
Count the number of questions correct in a multiple choice quiz of 20 questions where every question has 5 possible options and you are just guessing for every question.
n is nz5GAb7mp4WQmfa8ikAxew0+f0qTukyQmjUZ93/zgeVPSbQ6.
Getting a question correct /ADRSkoNnqkppfVSxmzYbo9pJwQ7pFZ40HKpg7eKMdSHPKieIWgbg129zqIoTxBrJhJKTs0otbBsWbF9ruLkLjC+C6r2dXBSHkK5ZyxNYyQ=.
There are n9PEn8r8T+NPOQBL outcomes for each question with a success defined as PN5l0U+Xts4QDPB9c0Q7FURLpVntnYVG67PQHVBmG2BW4GSQEWIqL0kXeFj5f/go5HzNZ804elaStUuGvzQsiDIYKyWfJQSW4zUt/OIeJb0/5gZXqArk2jIayyrYySi+rXurrrJWriBz8Q3gyFmFjQ==.
This imf3zWu5ZCEoGIrfhClNhw== a binomial situation.
Count the number of months until an individual wins the jackpot in the Pick-4 lottery, if he buys one lottery ticket per month, and plays the same 4 numbers each time.
n is IsMClbBH2LiZCfsYnK8YFINBtj+A/2mjINl86zzCUjfwmaxQ1DGkEA==.
Winning the jackpot in the lottery in any month RGEXTNl3xnq6zyR0mBZZwA1s6xUmXHOnsoJJbMAN17DMboKpeegCD77DiqDWbjC5RTBpxmDnb+qsSic12P1YI42G2l4+T6yAWM0wNg==.
There are XvVM00l89Is= outcomes for each month with a success defined as cY0Nvs2M4RIRySoH0fTrigjRBAC62O9ThWzk34NkhoUT2ynS/d1Y+ICbrJx3Dx7PORJbqYk1MRIR6I3XQRyq+9S3wYvMht2YGZrpIC6isz8J1i8iXTM+QnFvT1XxhtNLK6fXzyxwFGSk87Q4.
We are counting nPGri0w8fCuqkzBEWaifnR0s5eMuHxnQRAx4Nt0Z2tKLE3+e+KmypdliCzPW/1NrEKhswGX8ze7ObUIk+ThDjPhQ5k0IhU30lc+lyosN4yF9S/Ue/loXmIUOm1szocfm6qKPAo3JMdjcuPUBfxRWyJ7HEk8u6keh.
The probability of success is ____ PODaucPTsbbO/tYiKN/B+sBaEKFfmo0WQyN6pz2sUFrjWA0RdqJzRGkx7TeRin/mnw+lUMK5sPYgTEep.
This AgprdJo46NHaz28x2bF68g== a binomial situation.