Consider a process to manufacture computer monitors. An important quality variable is the color rendition of the input signal which is measured using a colorimeter. From long experience, the mean calorimeter reading when the process is in control is 63 (from a scale of 0 to 100) with a standard deviation of individual measurements of 10. During the manufacturing process, a technician takes a sample of $monitor monitors every shift and measures the color rendition.
Consider the following Xbar control charts and answer the following questions:
The mean when the process is in control is b0g0iQ1whKk=. The standard deviation of the INDIVIDUAL observations when the process is in control is udX0h74V+w0=.
The mean when the process is in control is IJaWHrT39D4=. The standard deviation of the INDIVIDUAL observations when the process is in control is Bqf/EtUReUc=.
The mean when the process is in control is XqPzZf5H/p4=. The standard deviation of the INDIVIDUAL observations when the process is in control is ZDG2fpdWyXw=.
The mean when the process is in control is ulD80gzJB74=. The standard deviation of the INDIVIDUAL observations when the process is in control is oayE157RQBQ=.
The mean when the process is in control is 8P3aa4uLOo8=. The standard deviation of the INDIVIDUAL observations when the process is in control is tBxBgtJuS+A=.
The mean when the process is in control is u10WsZGOgT0=. The standard deviation of the INDIVIDUAL observations when the process is in control is Tu9IG1n3UyE=.