A dataset consists of the composition of 77 breakfast cereals - a portion of the dataset is shown below.
Calories – calories / serving; Protein, Fat, Fiber, Total Carbohyrates, Sugars – grams/serving
Here is plot of the relationship between the calories/serving and the number of grams of fat.
The 3gx+5KW2+JygAfdh5Xyy2V49BtWWvGGPmspjeSGowxgwFNHTsm49QYxUG0k= is the explanatory variable and the A9IL/BVKGOb+Rh5yFUAh3hLCtuNlhdrLedoVCDY2ebo+5XDT is the response variable.
A cereal with 9 grams of fat had HrmMLL3J8h239mBNw2if/PxYQIQEQ0EL calories/serving.
A cereal with 250 calories/serving had OJfNBOK/25C7kG3x grams of fat.
There appears to be ENLKW2E+JiCvH+xuXQPZjccntKZZR4RLKA/WN9zqXAC2+lihL+7QqAhwidE= between the calories/serving and the grams of fat/serving.
The X axis contains the sRDzUprvtvVeeZ8J7Jx0Nci/IwV+8ojEl1o1Cg== variable which is the number of 3gx+5KW2+JygAfdh5Xyy2V49BtWWvGGPmspjeSGowxgwFNHTsm49QYxUG0k=. The Y axis contains the vXggM6MF0GUjiENfBXmazotWtzRzm9j3Qh0IwA== variable which is the number of r57BgFFqRQTbj79rbmW9xuNZ2TFRcUF9cMbIPtJBTAgwmhZiwO5jXWqCZ1A=.
A scatterplot of the number of calories/serving and the grams of fat/serving uses a different symbol for each manufacturer:
Manufacturer A only had one cereal in the set. This cereal has rwg8iLgrLMuge31A51a7fg== grams of fat and 2T6CaId8ncPpWdCev2Ii2G0dTF+CfLzD calories/serving.
Manufacturer 0EktG6tmYczU4+x+3F2+X6QszJg= made the cereal with the highest number of calories/serving.
Manufacturer y7C6eeCW8feDJbVImupXqHC9kSQ= made the cereal with the lowest number of calories/serving and the lowest grams of fat/serving.