How long does it take you to commute to school? Here are the travel times (minutes) measured from the time you leave your home to the time you arrive at your school for five days of commuting:
25, 23, 20, 50*, 21
On one of the days (marked with an asterisk), there was a traffic jam, and your commute was delayed.
One measure of the typical value is the sample mean.
The mean commuting time (using all of the data) is ____ minutes.
Another measure of the typical value is the sample median.
The median commuting time (using all of the data) is:
Suppose that on the day marked with an asterisk you forgot to record the exact time. All you know is that the commute time was larger than 50 minutes.
The MEAN commuting time (using all of the data) is:
A. |
B. |
C. |
D. |