Chapter 2: Research in Health Psychology

Critical Thinking Exercise: Yoga and Self-Esteem

You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
Chapter 2: Research in Health Psychology
Critical Thinking Exercise: Yoga and Self-Esteem

Use this scientific reasoning exercise to create a research study that tests the hypothesis that regular yoga practice improves children’s self-esteem.

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Design an experimental study to test the impact of yoga practice on children’s self-esteem. What are the independent and dependent variables? How are these variables operationally defined? How will the participants for the experimental and control groups be assigned? What variables are we controlling for and what variables might impact the results found?
The study design may vary, but the independent variable is the “cause” or what we are manipulating, which is yoga practice. The impact or “effect” is the dependent variable, which is self-esteem. The student’s operational definition for these variables will differ based on how they plan to conduct the study.

Since this is an experiment, there should be some mention of random selection of participants, and then there should be random assignment of the participants into the two groups: the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group should be the group receiving yoga practice, while the control group should not receive yoga practice. Students may choose to have the control group do no activity or some non-physical activity.

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Variables that should be controlled relate to how the study will be conducted. Variables that might impact the results may include previous self-esteem, prior exposure to yoga, meditation, or physical exercise, and various stressors in the child’s life. Describe how the experimental study created earlier could be converted into a quasi-experimental study. How is the comparison group for this study different from the control group identified in the experimental study?
Your answer has been provisionally accepted. You'll get full credit for now, but your instructor may update your grade later after evaluating it.

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The major difference between a quasi-experimental and experimental study is that the latter has participants that were randomly selected and groups that were randomly assigned. An example of a quasi-experiment may be selecting two different grades or classes of students to form the two study groups instead of assigning them randomly to the two groups. Comparison groups are often naturally occurring, thus making them easier to use than randomly created control groups. Another example is to find children who already practice yoga and compare their self-esteem ratings to those who don’t currently practice yoga. Design a developmental study on the impact of yoga practice on children’s self-esteem. Describe whether the study is cross-sectional or longitudinal and the choice behind the one that was selected. How does this study type change the focus of the hypothesis? What advantages and disadvantages are there to using a developmental design over an experimental one?
The specifics for the studies may differ but the focus for these types is on change over time or age-related differences. In cross-sectional studies the data is collected at one time but for different ages. For example, this study could compare 4-, 6-, and 8-year-olds to see how they differ in terms of the impact of yoga on self-esteem.

In contrast, a longitudinal study would follow a single group over a period of time. For example, following a group of 4-year-olds who practice yoga for four years, measuring their self-esteem at age 4, 6, and 8. These developmental studies allow us to look at age-related differences, as well as how the impact of a variable may change over time.