The Fur Trade

During the early modern world, commercial connections between places increase significantly. Use either a single outline map or hand-drawn world map, show these connections as they related to the fur trade. When you are done, answer the questions that follow.

  1. Using Map 14.3, “The North American Fur Trade” as your guide, label the Hudson Bay, St Lawrence River, Gulf of Mexico, and Great Lakes. Using different colors, indicate the furtrading regions of the France, England, and Russia. Also indicate on the map, using arrows, where furs were sent.
  2. Using the section, The “World Hunt”: Fur in Global Commerce, annotate your map with at least three reasons why the fur trade was so successful, including five impacts (positive and negative) of this trade on North American society.
  3. Using Map 13.2, “The Russian Empire” and the section The Steppes and Siberia: The Making of a Russian Empire as your guide, map the fur trade across Siberia. On the map, label Siberia and draw an arrow moving across Siberia from Moscow to Okhotsk and an arrow indicating where furs were sold. Next, label the people who moved from west to east (across Siberia). Annotate your map with a phrase describing the reasons for this movement of people and furs including five impacts (positive and negative) of this trade.



Looking at the map you have created, compare the effects of the fur trade in Russia and North America. What are similarities in terms of where and why the trade spread? What were some of the impacts that were similar and different?