1. Which of the following passages reflects Luther's view on the path to salvation?
A. |
B. |
C. |
D. |
2. This statement best reflects which author's view of human potential?
“Our hopes for the future of the human species may be reduced to three important points: the destruction of inequality among nations; the progress of equality within nations themselves; and finally the real improvement of humanity.”
A. |
B. |
C. |
D. |
3. What do Luther and al-Wahhab have in common?
A. |
B. |
C. |
D. |
4. Which of the following teachings of Kabir would a supporter of al-Wahhab likely object to?
A. |
B. |
C. |
D. |
5. What does Kabir seek to emphasize in the following passage?
A. |
B. |
C. |
D. |