1. According to the mill owner William Harter, what about the ten hour work day bill would hurt his business?
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D. |
2. What about the traditional lives of artisan weavers does the following verse lament the loss of in the new industrial economy?
“Political economy now must sway/ And say when a man shall work and play.”
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D. |
3. Which assertion in Samuel Smiles's “Thrift” (Document 17.3) would Elizabeth Bentley from “Testimony” (Document 17.1) likely agree with?
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D. |
4. The following statement reflects which thinker's understanding of the iniquities in industrialized societes?
“Much of the existing misery is caused by selfishness—by the greed to accumulate wealth on the one hand, and improvidence on the other.”
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C. |
D. |
5. Who credited capitalism with rescuing "a considerable part of the population from the idiocy of rural life"?
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