Chapter 17: Considering the Evidence Documents Quiz


Correct. The answer is b. To make a return on his capital outlay in physical plant he needed his machines operating for as many hours a day as possible.
Incorrect. The answer is b. To make a return on his capital outlay in physical plant he needed his machines operating for as many hours a day as possible.


Correct. The answer is b. Artisans could choose when and for how long they worked, but factory production required workers to define their work days around the needs of machines and production line work.
Incorrect. The answer is b. Artisans could choose when and for how long they worked, but factory production required workers to define their work days around the needs of machines and production line work.


Correct. The answer is a. Both Bentley and Smiles agree that greedy factory owners were a problem for society.
Incorrect. The answer is a. Both Bentley and Smiles agree that greedy factory owners were a problem for society.


Correct. The answer is d. Sam Smiles blamed both greedy factory owners and base uncivilized workers.
Incorrect. The answer is d. Sam Smiles blamed both greedy factory owners and base uncivilized workers.


Correct. The answer is d. While Marx and Engels envisioned the overthrow of capitalist factory owners by their workers, they did not reject all aspects of the new industrial society that capitalists had constructed.
Incorrect. The answer is d. While Marx and Engels envisioned the overthrow of capitalist factory owners by their workers, they did not reject all aspects of the new industrial society that capitalists had constructed.