Responses to Empire
Consider the following documents as commentary on the civilizing mission as perceived by Europeans, Indians, and Africans. What messages do you see within the documents and within the visuals about how the authors or artists think individuals should be treated?
1. Document 18.2, Prince Fereze Shah, The Azambgarh Proclamation, 1857
Read Document 18.2 and answer the question below.
In what ways does Prince Fereze believe that Hindus and Muslims are being denied their human rights under British rule?
2. Document 18.3, Dadabhai Naoroji, Speech to a London Audience, 1871
Review Document 18.3 and answer the question below.
Using specific evidence from the document, explain why Naoroji believes British rule to be a “knife of sugar.” How does this point to the injustices of British rule as they relate to the human condition?
3. Visual Source 18.2, Conquest and Competition
Examine Visual Source 18.2 and then answer the question below.
It is clear from the stance of the French commander that there is a callous disregard of the dead. Why would a French publication use this image as its cover? What impression do you think that this cover gave to the publication’s audience?
4. Visual Source 18.4, British and French in North Africa
Next, examine Visual Source 18.4 and answer the question below.
Using specific evidence from this cartoon, explain what the artist is saying about European colonial rule in Africa, specifically as it connects to the treatment of local people in Morocco and Egypt. What evidence is missing from this depiction?
5. Summary Question
Synthesize your evidence about how colonial rulers show respect (or not) to local peoples and cultural traditions.