1. What feature of “Defining the Enemy” (Visual Source 20.1) might be intended to emphasize the theme of World War I as a clash of cultures between civilized Western Europe and uncivilized and warlike Germany?
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2. What shared imagery in “Defining the Enemy” (Visual Source 20.1) and “Women and the War” (Visual Source 20.2) is used to assert that Germany was an irreligious power?
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3. Which visual source in “Propaganda and Critique in World War I” is most positive in its portrayal of war?
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D. |
4. Which visual source in “Propaganda and Critique in World War I” offers a firsthand depiction of combat?
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D. |
5. In “The Aftermath of War” (Visual Source 20.5), there is a leaftlet that reads “Juden ras” underneath the skateboard of the legless man. What does this leaflet suggest?
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B. |
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