Using the Evidence: Experiencing Stalinism

  1. Question

    Defending Stalinism: Develop an argument that the fundamental goals of Stalinism (building socialism) were largely achieved during the 1930s.

  2. Question

    Criticizing Stalinism: Develop an argument that genuine socialism was essentially betrayed or perverted by the developments of the Stalin era.

  3. Question

    Assessing change: In what ways did the Stalin era represent a revolutionary transformation of Soviet society? In what ways did it continue older patterns of Russian history?

  4. Question

    Considering moral judgments: Why do you think that historians have found it so difficult to write about the Stalin era without passing judgment on it? Does this represent a serious problem for scholars? Should students of the past seek to avoid moral judgments or is it an inevitable, perhaps even useful, part of the historian’s craft?