Writing and Social Status

This exercise will help you to understand how historians use early writing samples and artifacts to learn more about the development of distribution of labor and class as one of the criteria for early civilizations.

  1. Question

    Review the Snapshot. Why did writing emerge in most of the First Civilizations?

  2. Question

    The text states: “Literacy defined elite status and conveyed enormous prestige to those who possessed it.” How might writing demonstrate social status? Connect your answer to today.

  3. Question

    Consider the image depicting a well-known Egyptian scribe, Raherka, and his wife, Mersankh. What evidence do we have that, as a scribe, he had both social prestige and political influence?

  4. Question

    The textbook quotes one of the early Egyptian school texts as saying, “Man decays; his corpse is dust; all his kin have perished. But a book makes him remembered through the mouth of its reciter.” How does this further support the scribe’s status?