Analyzing Data


Using the three timelines on page 119, 167, and 219, as well as the Snapshot on page 168, write a substantial paragraph about the rise and spread of belief systems in the second-wave era, using the questions below. Remember that contextualization refers to the ways in which historical phenomena or processes relate to broader regional, national, or global processes. How does the history of this specific region or era fit into the larger story of world history as a whole?


  1. Question

    What was happening in the society that encouraged the development of these religious beliefs?

  2. Question

    These faiths emerged in different ways in different places, all roughly simultaneously but often encountered local challenges as they became adopted. What later legacy would they have as they left their points of origin?

  3. Question

    What global processes existed that led to the spread of these belief systems? For example, the spread of religious beliefs was possible due to the existence of trade networks. How did this happen?

  4. Question

    Think about what is included on the Chapter 4 “A Map of Time.” Based on your understanding of this chapter, what else do you think should be included in the timeline? What more do you need to know about in order to explain the global historical context?