Using the Evidence: Axum and the World

  1. Question

    Assessing sources: How does each of these documents reflect the distinctive perspective of its author? What different perspectives can you notice between those documents written from within Axum and those written by outsiders? How did the particular social role that each author represents (missionary, monarch, merchant) affect his view of Axum?

  2. Question

    Considering external influences: Based on these documents, how would you describe Axum’s various relationships with the world beyond its borders? How did its geographical location shape those relationships? (See Map 6.1.) In what ways did those external connections influence Axum’s historical development? From another perspective, how did Axum actively assimilate foreign influences or deliberately take advantage of opportunities that came from outside?

  3. Question

    Explaining the rise and significance of Axum: How might you account for the flourishing of Axum? What was the religious and military significance of Axum within the region?

  4. Question

    Comparing civilizations: In what ways might Axum be viewed as a smaller-scale version of the second-wave civilizations of Eurasia? In what ways did it differ from them?

  5. Question

    Seeking further evidence: What else would you like to know about Axum? If you could uncover one additional document, what would you want it to reveal?