Mapping Africa and the Americas

  1. Using a blank map of the world, write labels for the following locations in Africa: Ghana, Egypt, Nubia, Axum, and San. Shade in the area in which the Bantu people originated and where they spread. For the Americas, shade in and label the area of the Maya civilization, the Moche, the Chimu (Chavín), the Wari and the Tiwanaku civilizations, as well as the ancestral Pueblo cultures and mound-building cultures of North America.
  2. Question

    Consider Map 6.1, “Africa in the Second-Wave Era” in combination with the text. Which of the places labeled on the map represent civilizations, which are cities without states, and which are civilizations without cities or states? Describe a way this could be denoted differently on the map.

  3. Question

    Using both the text and the map, describe the connections within Africa at this time period (trade, cultural, migration, and technology).

  4. Question

    Looking at the map, as well as the text in Chapter 6 and those parts of North Africa addressed in Chapters 3 and 4, describe the ways in which Africa was connected with the larger Afro-Eurasian world. How did this differ from the Americas at this time?