Elite women of the court likewise gathered to eat, drink, and talk, as illustrated in Visual Source 8.2, an anonymous Tang dynasty painting on silk. Hosting the event is the empress, shown seated upright in the middle of the left side of the table, holding a fan and wearing a distinctive headdress. Her guests and paid professional musicians sit around the table.
How does this gathering of elite women differ from that of the men in Visual Source 8.1? How might their conversation differ from that of the men?
To what extent are the emperor and empress in Visual Sources 8.1 and 8.2 distinguished from their guests? How do you think the emperor and empress viewed their roles at these functions? Were they acting as private persons among friends or in an official capacity?
What differences in status among these women can you identify?
What view of these women does the artist seek to convey?
What does the posture of the women suggest about the event?