To Muslims, the Quran contains the very words of God. The Arabic term quran itself means “recitation,” and the faithful believe that the angel Gabriel spoke God’s words to Muhammad, who then recited them. Often called “noble” or “glorious,” the Quran, compiled into an established text within thirty years of the Prophet’s death, was regarded as a book without equal, written in the most sublime Arabic. Copying it was an act of piety, memorizing it was the starting point for Muslim education, and reciting it was both an art form and a high honor. Organized in 114 Surahs (chapters), the Quran was revealed to Muhammad over a period of some twenty-two years. Often the revelations came in response to particular problems that the young Islamic community and the Prophet were facing. The selections that follow convey something of the Quran’s understanding of God, of humankind, of the social life prescribed for believers, of relations with non-Muslims, and much more.
The Quran
Seventh Century C.E.
On God/Allah
In the name of God, the infinitely compassionate and infinitely merciful. Praise be to God, Lord of all the worlds; the compassionate, the merciful; Ruler on the Day of Reckoning. You alone do we worship, and You alone do we ask for help. Guide us on the straight path, the path of those who have received your grace, not the path of those who have brought down wrath, nor of those who wander astray. (1)
In the name of Allah, the beneficient, the merciful. Say: He is Allah, the One. He is Allah, the eternal, who was never born nor ever gave birth. The One beyond compare. (112)
Wherever you turn, there is the face of God. (2:115)
Now verily, it is We who have created man, and We know what his innermost self whispers within him: for We are closer to him than his neck-vein. (50:16)
We will show them Our signs on the farthest horizons, and within their own selves, until it becomes manifest to them that this is the Truth. (41:53)
On Jesus
Behold! the angels said, ‘Oh Mary! God gives you glad tidings of a Word from Him. His name will be Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, held in honour in this world and the Hereafter, and in (the company of) those nearest to God. He shall speak to the people in childhood and in maturity. He shall be (in the company) of the righteous. . . . And God will teach him the Book and Wisdom, the Law and the Gospel.’ (3:45–48)
On Society
And thus have We willed you to be a community of the middle way, so that [with your lives] you might bear witness to the truth before all mankind. . . . (2:143)
Behold, those who sinfully devour the possessions of orphans but fill their bellies with fire: for [in the life to come] they will have to endure a blazing flame! (4:10)
You shall do good unto your parents and kinsfolk, and the orphans, and the poor; and you shall speak unto all people in a kindly way; and you shall be constant in prayer; and you shall spend in charity. (2:83)
And if any of those whom you rightfully possess [slaves] desire [to obtain] a deed of freedom, write it out for them if you are aware of any good in them: and give them [their] share of the wealth of God which He has given you. And do not, in order to gain some of the fleeting pleasures of this worldly life, coerce your [slave] maidens into whoredom if they happen to be desirous of marriage. . . . (24:33)
On Men and Women
Verily, for all men and women who have surrendered themselves unto God . . . , and all men and women who give in charity, and all self-denying men and self-denying women, and all men and women who are mindful of their chastity, and all men and women who remember God unceasingly: for [all of] them has God readied forgiveness of sins and a mighty reward. (33:35)
Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because God has given the one more (strength) than the other, and because they support them from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband’s) absence what God would have them guard. As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (Next), refuse to share their beds, (And last) beat them (lightly); but if they return to obedience, seek not against them Means (of annoyance): For God is Most High, great (above you all). (4:34)
O you who believe. You are forbidden to inherit women against their will. Nor should you treat them with harshness. . . . On the contrary, live with them on a footing of kindness and equity. (4:19)
On War and Jihad
There shall be no coercion in matters of faith. (2:256)
And fight in God’s cause against those who wage war against you, but do not commit aggression, for, verily, God does not love aggressors. And slay them wherever you may come upon them, and drive them away from wherever they drove you away, for oppression is even worse than killing. And fight not against them near the Inviolable House of Worship unless they fight against you there first, but if they fight against you, slay them: such shall be the recompense of those who deny the truth. (2:190–92)
Now when you meet [in war] those who are bent on denying the truth, smite their necks until you overcome them fully, and then tighten their bonds; but thereafter [set them free,] either by an act of grace or against ransom, so that the burden of war may be lifted. . . . And as for those who are slain in God’s cause, never will He let their deeds go to waste. (47:4)
On Tolerance
And tell My servants that they should speak in the most kindly manner [unto those who do not share their beliefs]: verily, Satan is always ready to stir up discord between men. . . . (17:53)
Unto every community have We appointed [different] ways of worship, which they ought to observe. (22:67)
Unto every one of you have We appointed a [different] law and way of life. And if God had so willed, He could surely have made you all one single community: but [He willed it otherwise] in order to test you. . . . Vie, then, with one another in doing good works! (5:48)
All believers are but brethren. Hence, [whenever they are at odds,] make peace between your two brethren, and remain conscious of God, so that you might be graced with His mercy. (49:10)
Make no distinction between any of God’s messengers; for they all say, “We have heard and we pay heed.” Grant us your forgiveness, O our Sustainer, for it is with You that all journeys end. (2:285)
Source: Muhammad Asad, The Message of the Qur’ān (Bristol: Book Foundation, 2003).
How does the Quran’s understanding of Allah resemble Jewish and Christian ideas about God, and how does it differ from them?
What specific prescriptions for social life do these selections contain? Notice in particular those directed toward the weakest members of society. How would you describe the Quran’s view of a good society?
What attitudes toward non-Muslims do these passages suggest?
What circumstances surrounding the birth of Islam might help to explain the references in the Quran to fighting and warfare?
The sacred texts of all religious traditions provide ample room for conflicting understandings and interpretations. What debates or controversies might arise from these passages?