
When approaching a text such as this one, it is helpful to spend a few minutes prereading the material. During the pre-reading stage, you are simply getting prepared for what you will be reading. This involves two steps. First, try to determine chronology, theme(s), and region(s). Do this by looking at chapter dates, the part or unit that includes this chapter (keeping in mind that not all books are divided into parts), the chapter that came before and the one that comes next, and the chapter title. Note that the next main section of a chapter may not describe something that happened later in time; it may simply reflect a different theme about the same time and place. Second, read the “Seeking the Main Point” question that opens the chapter. The title alone should give you a clue that this is an important question for understanding the chapter. Next, try to determine the major changes, comparisons, and connections discussed in the chapter by scanning the section titles, images and captions (maps, charts, photos, etc.), and any pedagogical tools included (chronologies, key terms, document headnotes, review questions, etc.). Also, skim the introduction to the chapter—usually reading the topic sentences of this section is sufficient.

EXERCISE: Let’s practice by pre-reading Part One and Chapter 1 of your textbook.

  • Question

    CHRONOLOGY: Looking at the part title, what is the chronology of Part One? Why might there be an ending date but no starting date? Now glance at the “Map of Time” in Chapter 1. How much time does Chapter 1 cover? Why so much?

  • Question

    THEME: What is Part One all about? What are the big topics in this part? Take a look at the headings on pages 4 and 5, which discuss the major topics of Chapter 1—“The Globalization of Humankind” and “The Revolution of Farming and Herding.” Read the five topic sentences that begin the paragraphs in these sections. What is the first chapter going to be about? Why is the topic important? Why is it part of “Beginnings in History”? Using the contents list on page 2, what chapter comes after this one? How do they fit together? Next, look at the title and the chapter contents listed on page 11. What is the chapter about? What are the major topics of the chapter? Now flip through the images in the chapter, maps included. What else do they tell you about the chapter that you hadn’t learned already?

  • Question

    REGION: Next, take a look at “Mapping Part One”. Does this part focus on particular regions or larger global processes? How do you know? Now take a look at Map 1.1 and Map 1.3 and consider the same questions about regions versus global processes.

Remember, there’s no need to write this down. The point right now is just to get a clear idea of the “big picture” of the part where this chapter appears. You haven’t read the chapter yet—and you haven’t taken a single note. But by spending five minutes pre-reading the chapter you already have a good idea what the chapter’s all about. By taking this time, you’ll be able to read with a clear focus, saving yourself a lot of time later on. Now that you have a good idea of the “big picture,” you’re ready to begin actually reading the text.