A. Adu Boahen, African Perspectives on Colonialism (1987). An examination of the colonial experience by a prominent African scholar.
Alice Conklin and Ian Fletcher, European Imperialism, 1830–
Scott B. Cook, Colonial Encounters in the Age of High Imperialism (1996). Seven case studies of the late nineteenth-
Adam Hochschild, King Leopold’s Ghost (1999). A journalist’s evocative account of the horrors of early colonial rule in the Congo.
Douglas Peers, India under Colonial Rule (2006). A concise and up-
Bonnie Smith, ed., Imperialism (2000). A fine collection of documents, pictures, and commentary on nineteenth-
Margaret Strobel, Gender, Sex, and Empire (1994). A brief account of late twentieth-
Bridging World History, Unit 21: “Colonial Identities,” http:/