Tower of David


Founded in 2011, Vocativ is a New York City–based news platform for reporting, sharing, and discussing global stories on social and political change, the economy, and technology. The company aims to show how “individual stories fit together into a broader, global narrative.” The following video was released in August 2013, while the company was still in beta. It discusses Torre de David, or Tower of David, the third-highest structure in Venezuela. Construction began on the tower in 1990, but it was halted in 1994 due to a banking crisis and the death of investor David Brillembourg, after whom the tower is named. The government seized control of the building, but in 2007, amidst a major housing crisis, residents of Caracas moved in to the abandoned structure. More than 2,500 squatters now live in what has been called the “world’s tallest slum.”

Questions on Subject

  1. Question

    Which floors of the tower are inhabited?

  2. Question

    What sorts of systems, practices, and services have Tower of David residents put in place to make the structure more livable?

  3. Question

    Explain what Guillermo Barrios, professor of architecture and urbanism, advocates for the future of Tower of David and why he feels that way.

Questions on Strategy

  1. Question

    The video begins with statistics about plastic surgery in Caracas, Venezuela. What are the filmmakers suggesting with this introduction? What does that suggest about their perspective?

  2. Question

    The video uses a great deal of visual description to demonstrate what the tower looks like. Describe two different instances of footage that you find particularly effective and explain why. Consider a range of factors, including whether the cameras are inside or outside, whether the scene includes people, and the depicted wealth.

  3. Question

    Compare the film’s interviews with occupation organizer Ricardo Jimenez and professor of architecture and urbanism Guillermo Barrios. To what extent do they agree and/or disagree? Why might the filmmakers choose to use a comparison and contrast analysis?

Questions on Medium

  1. Question

    How would you describe the tone of the video? Explain your reasoning by addressing different elements of the video, including typeface, music, and camera perspective.

  2. Question

    Why might the filmmakers have chosen to include two languages? As a viewer, what do you gain by listening to native Spanish speakers? How does the effect of hearing an unfamiliar language differ from reading it in a text-only article?