EXERCISE 10.6 successfulwriting6e-successfulwriting6e_ch10-bx3-006



Revising for Level of Diction

Revise the following informal statement by giving it a more formal level of diction.

Question 10.26

1. It hadn’t occurred to me that I might be exercising wrong, though I suppose the signs were there. I would drag myself to the gym semi-regularly and go through the motions of walking (sometimes jogging) on the treadmill and doing light weight training. But I rarely broke a sweat. I just didn’t have the energy. “Just doing it” wasn’t cutting it. My body wasn’t improving. In fact, certain areas were getting bigger, overly muscular. I needed someone to kick my butt — and reduce it too.
Wendy Schmid, “Roped In,” Vogue

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