Summary Quiz for “Tipping Is an Abomination”

Question 20.6

1. Read “Tipping Is an Abomination” and summarize the selection below. Be sure to put the summary in your own words and to avoid using the sentence structure of the reading selection. Remember that your summary should restate the author’s main idea (or thesis) and that it should include only the author’s most important supporting ideas. When you have completed your summary, “submit” your work.

Here is an example summary of this reading selection:

In “Tipping Is an Abomination,” Brian Palmer argues that tipping is a disgraceful custom because it maintains racism against black patrons, does not foster hard work, creates legal issues for employees and employers, and does not provide a living wage for restaurant workers outside of the wait staff. Still, the practice continues because restaurant owners benefit financially, since they can legally get away with paying their employees less, using the tax incentive called the “tip credit.” The solution is to abolish the tip credit and force restaurant owners to pay their workers a living wage.

Your summary will differ from this one in the way it is written, but it should include roughly the same information.
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