EXERCISE 22.3 Evaluating the Relevance and Reliability of Sources

EXERCISE 22.3 Evaluating the Relevance and Reliability of Sources


Evaluating the Relevance and Reliability of Sources

Working in a small group, discuss the context in which the sources listed for each topic below would or would not be considered appropriate sources.

  1. Topic: Caring for family members with Alzheimer’s disease
    1. Introductory health and nutrition textbook
    2. Article from a gerontology journal on caring for aging family members

    Question 22.7

  2. Topic: Analyzing the effects of heroin use on teenagers
    1. Newspaper article written by a former heroin user
    2. Article from the Journal of Neurology on the biochemical effects of heroin on the brain

    Question 22.8

  3. Topic: Implementing training programs to reduce sexual harassment in the workplace
    1. Article from the Christian Science Monitor titled “Removing Barriers for Working Women”
    2. Personal Web site or blog relating an incident of harassment on the job

    Question 22.9
